Doctoral Program Environment and Society

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Update on the Doctoral Program Environment and Society

Start of the Summer Term 2021


We welcome five new doctoral students who join the program in the academic year 2021: Regina Bichler with a project on “Analyzing integration potential of technological innovations for sustainable waste practices in Germany and Japan through co-evolution of materials, competences, and meanings”, Lotta Ortheil with a project on “Urban food forestry: A multispecies approach for resilient and sustainable cities”, Lena Schlegel with a project on “Caring for Climate Change? (Re-)Configuring Human-Nature Relations in Context of the Australian Black Summer - Towards a New Materialist Sociology of Care”, María del Pilar Peralta Ardila with a project on “Life trajectories of women in defense and care of the environment, Colombia, 1990-2019”, and Huiying Ng, who works on “Infra-structural remediations: Agroecological futures as prospective ethnographies of hope”. All profiles will be online soon.

Valentina Roxo, Fabienne Will, and Fabian Zimmer graduated from the program.